Sunday, June 10, 2018

FILM: Secrets of the Third Reich (Pt. 2 of 2) - A conversation with Jose...

a must listen to reeducate yourselves on the lies and cover up's of  NAZI international .'' Hitler died of old age in Argentina,out living his wife Eva Braun
hussein's harvard year book.....
feel stupid yet? gullible's travels.''
endless bullshit-food for the stupid-gullible-fucknik's in COLLAGE GETTING DEGREE'S IN DUMB-SHIT SUB-JECT'S,QUEER STUDIES,REALLY? you want me to take your ass seriously??

FILM: Secrets of the Third Reich (Pt. 1 of 2) - A conversation with Jose...

a must listen to reeducate yourselves on the lies and cover up's of  NAZI international .'' Hitler died of old age in Argentina,out living his wife Eva Braun

Monday, June 4, 2018

UPDATE: Veterans On Patrol Occupation Wants Constitutional Sheriff Tucso...