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this is inappropriate groping by the president |
.howdy,my name is mat and i'm in last stage kidney disease.I go three or four times a week to dialysis treatments which is taxing to my energy levels. the lot of my time is spent researching and these days , there is no shortage of subjects to search out and investigate.
Well,since this Friday last 12/02/16,I've been looking into wiki leaks ,youtube,d.c. leaks ,etc; and my subject being pizzagate in the nation. and after a days work and finding the same common threads of info and logic , the facts are hard to ignore to be light . In fact a regular inquiry into the diabolical stories surrounding pizzagate , it has become what esquires refer to as the body of evidence a crime[s] has been committed ; prima fasci for you real bottom feeders.ha ha .
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this and other examples of art work are peices from the walls of Jon Podesta's apartment flat. he and his brother tony are up to there nut sacks in connection with pizzagate and a missing little girls disapearence from Lisbon, Portugal.
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this is another of Jon's expensive pieces of art work that he spends his grifter monies on...
so,after chasing down enough evidence to go on a whirl about about these disgusting pieces of filth I hit Youtube.com for some basic vid visual and while there began bombing TWITTER with one speed tweet after another and then my telephone began blowing up with all kinds of people who were retweeting and likeing these tweets so much that those shite tango masters at TWITTER sent me an e-mail, to just quit it , which only made me tweet my 250 new friends that , that bully asshole Mark S Smuckenburger was picking on me; "a disabled vet with kidney problems out of my control ", well, "do you know what ?" 500 more recrutes just like that! i'm the general of my own twitter military industrial complex....and most of em are really hot chicks that like men who voted for Donald J. Trump.
heres the mug shots from Portugal police , generated from a description of the perpetrators by the mother and father in Lisbon at the time...
also in Portugal at the same time, " visiting one of their mucky muck friends,{a convicted pedophile and rapist ".} "Jon Podesta and his brother tony".on vacation at the same time less then a 8th of a mile from the crime scene".the pictures are from that official investigation.
another piece from freaky jon's apartments